Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How to Talk about Personality Types

Welcome to blogging 2017! It's a new semester and we're starting something new - Word Power!
Sessions 1-3 of Word Power focus on "How to Talk about Personality Types." For this blog post, practice using some of the words from Word Power sessions 1 and 2 (if you're writing this after Friday, you should use the words in session 2 as your session 1 quiz will already have happened) to describe some of the people in your life.

Answer the following questions with humor and enthusiasm:
1. What is your personality type? Give an example that supports your self-assessment.
2. What is your mom or dad's (or other important guardian/parental figure) personality type? Give some fun and entertaining examples.
3. What is your pet's personality type? Or, if you don't have a pet or don't want to write about a pet, what is the personality type of the person you admire most in life? Again, give fun, exciting examples!
4. What is your best friend's or favorite classmate's personality type and how does that complement your personality type. Use your best friend's/favorite classmate's personality type to explain why you get along so well with him/her.

Have fun with this one!
Due Monday, February 6.

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