Choose another live action film by Tim Burton. Watch at least 20 minutes of the film and take notes on cinematic techniques just as you did with Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You will use these notes in your essay next week. After viewing the film (or part of the film), write two paragraphs in response.
In the first paragraph, write about a cinematic technique you noticed and its effects. Use the frame, In ____________, Burton uses ______________ (technique) to _________________ (specific effects). Then include text evidence to support your statement and include reflective commentary to show your thinking.
In the second paragraph, compare this film with one of the films we watched in class. What do they have in common? How are they different?
I hope you have fun watching another film and comparing it! Enjoy! And we'll write the essay in class next week.
Due Monday, October 31
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